1·The survival rate of hosts reached 100 % (tilapia), 60 % (Yellow headed catfish) and 30 % (Bighead carp) respectively.
2·Three herbivorous fish were farmed by freshwater, while mercury in Bighead carp and Bluntsnout bream were higher than Grass carp.
3·The above results provide basic information for the biochemical genetic survey of bighead carp populations and artificial breeding of bighead carp.
4·Control measures: It is important to pay more attention to the impact of invasive Bighead Carp on endemic species and control the rate of expansion.
5·The effect of processing conditions, starch and food gums on the gel strength and folding ability of fish balls made from bighead carp was investigated.
6·This paper investigates the control of the excess propagation of Cyclops by the top-down effect of fish, such as silver carp and bighead carp under different stocking biomass conditions.
7·Bighead and silver carp - both native to Asia - have been migrating toward the lakes since escaping from Deep South fish ponds and sewage treatment plants in the 1970s.
8·Asian carp—including thecommon, black and bighead variety—were brought to the U.S. in the 1970sas live vacuum cleaners meant to remove algae and suspended matter fromponds.
9·The first involves two kinds of Asian carp, bighead and silver.
10·The first involves 2 kinds of Asian carp, bighead and silver.